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Users Blackberry Bold 9650 3G and Blackberry Curve 9330 get good news today. RIM (Research In Motion) has been providing Blackberry OS 6 for both products primarily for customers in the U.S. operator Sprint. Blackberry 6 can be downloaded from RIM website.
Currently, buyers have felt the 9800 Torch BB BB OS 6 directly but luckily now the owner of the Bold and Curve 9650 OS sophisticated 3G can get it too.
Blackberry 6 has many new features including a new homescreen, a new on-screen keyboard (similar to the iPhone), the better the contacts view, new browsers, and some other features. These features are very interesting and Blackberry users certainly will not want to miss with these developments. Blackberry users who have been using Blackberry 6 had indicated satisfaction with this new Os.
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